Platform for European Sports Fisheries and Aquaculture



AOC de Groene Welle

De Groene Welle is a training centre that incorporates all levels of pre-vocational education, secondary vocational education - including apprenticeship training (VET) - and adult vocational education (Lifelong Learning). De Groene Welle is also developing various international activities.

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Shuttleworth College

Set within the stunning location of Old Warden Park, the College offers a wide variety of full-time and part-time courses, making full use of the natural resources available, which include parkland, farm land, lakes and woodland. Image Gallery

Alpine Space - Man and Environment

University of Innsbruck

The University of Innsbruck was founded in 1669 and is the biggest and most important research and education institution in western Austria. Located in the heart of the Alps, the University of Innsbruck offers the best conditions for successful research and teaching, and international rankings confirm the University's leading role in basic research.

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Fish Techknowledge

Fish Techknowledge is specialized in advising fishfarmers how to build fish farms and hatcheries, maintaining a healthy fish population and how to improve fish knowledge.   Image Gallery

Sarl Lac de Villedon

The Activities in Sarl Lac de Villedon startet in 2002 and the organisation has grown on average 20% per year. The main focus is carp and trout fishing in a beautiful natural setting in the middle of a protected area. Since its start, the organisation has cooperated with fishery schools from the UK, France, and Holland offering practice to their students concerning all areas of fish farming and tourism activities.

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Lippai János Mezögazdasági Szakképzö Iskola

Lippai János Vocational and Technical School was established in 1930 in Nyíregyháza in the north-east of Hungary. The school offers education for those who want to work or start business in agriculture or want to continue studies at universities.

Szabolcsi Halászati Kft.

The main activities of Szabolcsi Halásati Ltd. are fishing, fishing services, retail trade, meat and fish processing, leisure activities and entertainment. The company allows students to participate in all aspects the companies activities as part of their vocational education.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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